Why Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Can Fly In Dune

Why Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Can Fly In Dune

Warner Bros. Pictures The technology of the “Dune” universe is one of its most curious and distinct components when compared to other prominent sci-fi worlds. Because of the Butlerian Jihad, which takes place thousands of years before the events of Frank Herbert’s first “Dune” novel, no “thinking … Read more

This Marvel Superhero Has Been Sent To Prison…Twice

This Marvel Superhero Has Been Sent To Prison…Twice

The most pivotal storyline from Bendis’ run on “Daredevil” is “Out” (published in “Daredevil” issue #32-40, drawn by Alex Maleev). Minor criminal Sammy Silke (a friend of the Kingpin’s son, Richard Fisk) trades Daredevil’s secret identity to the FBI in a plea deal. The secret is then leaked to newspaper the Daily Globe, and thus … Read more